Telemedicine Services Limited - Terms and Conditions 

  1. Overview

  2. Services provided

  3. What we need from you

  4. How our services are regulated

  5. Using our services for children

  6. Accessing our services

  7. Right to Choose

  8. Delivery of Services

  9. Prescribing medicines

  10. Delivery of prescriptions

  11. Consultations

  12. Circumstances beyond our control

  13. Other limitations to our services

  14. Our use of your personal information

1 Overview

At Telemedicine Services Limited  we want to make access to mental health treatment easier and more effective for everyone. When you use our services, you commission the services of our members and associates.

By using Telemedicine: Psychiatry and Psychology including this website, any digital applications, software, you accept these terms and conditions in full, along with all other policies and procedures that may be published by Telemedicine Services Limited.

There are some limitations on our obligations which are set out in these terms. The most important of these are:

  • We provide remote mental health advice, consultations and information services. Some instances are not suitable for such treatment, so if you have any doubts, be sure to check by giving us a call or by reading up on our website before you book an appointment.

  • In order to provide our services we will need personal information from you. – We will store that information securely and we will not share it with anyone unless you authorise us to do so or if we have a legal obligation to do (eg serious concerns of significant risk to you or others).

  • We provide a secondary care service, and we emphasise linking back to your local primary care services, both for your safety, and for our peace of mind (in most cases, this is to your General Practitioner or a medical facility local to where you are based). We can provide the services to those who have good reason not to share details of a local medical practitioner, but this is on a case by case basis.

  • We are based in the UK and subject to UK law so, though you may be somewhere else, your interaction with us is considered to be taking place in the UK. However, though we can see people from outside the UK in some circumstances, we can’t take responsibility for any laws outside the UK regarding access to our services. Some of our services are specifically designed for use in the UK and if you use them from elsewhere you should check in your country or region that it is within the law and appropriate for you to do so.

These terms may have to be changed or amended from time to time. Please make sure that you have checked the terms and conditions when you start your treatment with us. These terms were last updated on: 15 September 2022

Psychiatry-UK enables individuals (“Patient/s”) to connect in real time, via streaming video, chat and instant messaging with participating psychiatrists (the “Clinicians”) in order to gain qualified and professional medical advice and be provided with related services including referrals. If agreed with a Clinician Patients may also purchase private prescriptions for certain medication(s) (collectively the “Services” or a “Service”).

Telemedicine Services Limites is a limited liability Company registered in England and Wales, Company number 11759029. Registered office and address for correspondence:

Orchard House, St. Matthew's Estate 15a Market Street, Oakengates, Telford, United Kingdom, TF2 6EL

You expressly understand, accept and agree that when providing the Services the Clinicians are independent medical professionals that are individually responsible for the medical advice they offer to you.

2 Services provided

Services include:

  1. Standard general adult psychiatric services,

  2. Standard child and adolescent psychiatric services,

  3. Perinatal psychiatric services,

  4. Old age psychiatric services,

  5. Most addiction services,

  6. Some intellectual disability services,

  7. Some eating disorder services.

Some conditions are not suitable for online consultations. You should always seek advice from a medical practitioner in person if you aren’t sure that you are able to communicate your needs or issues during an online consultation.

The services are primarily provided in English and Italian.

Psychiatry-UK does not make any representation or give any warranties regarding Clinician training, qualifications or skill.

3 What we need from you

You must ensure that:

  • any information you provide is accurate and in comprehensible English or in the language that it has been agreed that the consultation will take place;

  • if you have any concerns about the suitability of the Services we provide for you or any information on the website, you seek further medical advice from your GP or another medical professional;

  • you follow any instructions you are given by our Clinicians;

  • you follow any instructions regarding the use of any medicines or other health care products we recommend or prescribe (including in respect of use-by dates);

  • you report any adverse or unexpected effects of treatments, that we have recommended to you;

  • you keep any medicines prescribed out of the reach of children and in a secure environment;

  • you inform us if any information that you have given to us becomes incomplete or false;

  • you do not under any circumstances amend, alter or tamper with the contents of any documents created on the patient system or issued to you.

4 How our Services are regulated

Accessing our services from outside the UK and Republic of Ireland

We provide the Services to adults and to children (in accordance with section 5).

Our services are provided from facilities in the UK and Europe.

In the instance that you are using our services from outside the UK, you should check that the use of our services is legally permitted in the country or region in which you are residing. Our services are provided according to UK laws and regulations and we cannot take any responsibility for any differences between the laws in the UK and any other rules about healthcare services anywhere other than the UK.

5 Using our Services for children

Children using our services must follow certain guidelines.

Child and adolescent psychiatric services are offered to children over the age of 7. They are conducted after an initial interview with the parents or legal guardians of the child. Follow up appointments are then arranged with the parents or guardians.

Consultations for those under 18 must be arranged by the parents or legal guardians.

We may suspend services or terminate user accounts if we reasonably suspect that they are being used in breach of the restrictions in this Section 5.

6 Accessing our Services

In order to access the Services you represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age and possess the legal right, capacity and ability, on your own behalf to accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Our services are only available remotely using the internet, data networks and devices which can access the internet. We make our services available for access using infrastructure, but are not responsible for the infrastructure ourselves. If you wish to use the services, you should ensure you have an internet-enabled device and a sufficient internet connection available.

Most clinical appointments take place via a video meeting.

At any time you may be notified that information is available for your review that is considered private and possibly time-sensitive, so you should consider ease of access when determining which email address you use for your notifications and use of the patient system.

Required Operating Systems and Browsers:

  • Windows 7, 8, 10: Google Chrome (latest release version), Firefox (latest release version)

  • Mac® OS X 10.8.5 and newer: Google Chrome (latest release version)

  • Android™ 5 and newer

  • Windows 10: Microsoft Edge (latest release version)

  • iOS: iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch with a front facing camera and iOS 10 and newer

7 NHS Right to Choose

If you choose to access our services via the NHS Right to Choose, we will do our utmost to assist with this but cannot guarantee your application will be successful . You accept that this is a process that you are responsible for accessing via your GP

8 Delivery of Services


The purchase of goods or services online, usually comes with a statutory right for you  to cancel your order within fourteen (14) days after the day on which the contract is entered into (“Cooling-Off Period”) without giving any reason.

When you make your first appointment with us (whether by phone or online) you have the choice to waive these rights. By booking an appointment that is less than 14 days from the date of booking, you acknowledge that you have waived your statutory right to cancel during the Cooling Off period. This is so we are able instantly to start providing the Services and/or secure time with a Clinician in advance to ensure their availability.

You agree that the provision of any Services is subject to your payment in full of any costs relating to consultation, administrative and/or delivery fees that you incur in relation to the services.

You expressly grant Telemedicine Services Limited license to pre-authorise or charge any debit and/or credit cards in your account before enabling the provision of the services (including the confirmation of an appointment time and date has been allocated to you) and you accept that failure of our pre-authorisation or authorisation processes by you is likely to result in the services not being provided to you.

9 Prescribing medicines

Clinicians will not prescribe medicines unless it is, in their professional opinion, in the best interests of their patient (and they may not be able to prescribe some medicines on the basis of an online consultation, depending on the condition and your location).

You understand and accept there is no guarantee whatsoever that you will be issued or provided with a prescription for any medication and acknowledge that the issuing of any prescription is at the sole discretion of the Clinician, subject to the limitations applied by Telemedicine Services Limited policies from time to time.

You accept that if we provide you with prescriptions they will be private prescriptions unless otherwise stated during your consultation. We charge for a private prescription and you will also incur the cost of the medicine(s) prescribed. You acknowledge this price is set independently by the pharmacy and not by Telemedicine Services Limited. The Patient is in no way obliged to get the prescribed medicine from a particular pharmacy.

Any prescription that you receive via Telemedicine Services Limited is only valid for use at legal UK pharmacies. You understand and agree that any prescriptions you acquire from us are solely for your personal use. Furthermore, you agree carefully to read all information provided to you and to follow the instructions provided, on the prescription(s) itself (the label applied by the pharmacy) or otherwise, prior to taking any of the prescribed medicines. You also hereby agree to contact your Clinician, another doctor or a pharmacist if you have any questions or do not fully understand the reasons you have been prescribed any medication or the instructions related to the medication.

Telemedicine Services Limited and it’s Clinicians are not responsible for any legal prescriptions provided to you that legal UK Pharmacies refuse to dispense. You accept that it remains an individual pharmacist’s right to refuse to fulfil any prescription and/or dispense medications when presented with a legal prescription. None of this affects your legal rights.

Should you choose to collect your own prescribed medication and have the prescription sent to your address, we shall make reasonable effort to send a prescription acceptable to a recognised pharmacy close to your address.

Should you choose to have us send a prescription directly to a pharmacy, we will use reasonable efforts to deliver the prescription to a legal pharmacy of your choice  but we are not connected with and have no control over or responsibility for any individual pharmacy, their policies in relation to acceptance or otherwise of prescriptions, opening hours, cost or availability of medicines prescribed.

The dispensing chemists are independent of our organisation and, to the extent permitted by law, we disclaim responsibility for their acts and omissions.

We will be unable to offer a private prescription to any Patient who has not given consent to share information with their GP. This includes your consent for Telemedicine Services Limited to obtain a copy of your health summary.

10 Delivery of prescriptions

If you lose a prescription, letter or sick note, a copy may be issued, subject to the prescribing Clinician agreeing to re-issue the document. There is no guarantee that a Clinician will agree to re-issue any document. In the event that the Clinician re-issues your lost prescription, letter or sick note you will be charged in accordance with the current cost for a copy. In order to request a prescription, letter or sick note previously issued to be re-issued please contact us.

We will deliver it to the address (email or postal address) that you have provided when booking. You accept that it is entirely your responsibility to ensure that the contact details you provide are accurate and up-to-date.

11 Consultations

Subject to availability, you can choose to book an appointment in advance. After you have requested an appointment you will be sent confirmation of the appointment; if you do not receive such confirmation within 24 hours of requesting your appointment (or, if sooner, within 4 hours of the start of your intended appointment) please contact us to check we have received your booking request.

You may be asked to show photo ID during a video consultation to enable our psychiatrists to confirm your identity before prescribing certain medication. ID we are able to accept:

– Current signed passport

– Residence permit issued by the Home Office

– EU or Swiss national identity photo-card

– Valid UK photo-card driving licence

– Valid armed or police forces photographic identity card

– Photographic disabled blue badge

– Citizen card

– Valid student ID with photograph

12  Circumstances beyond our control

Neither Telemedicine Services Limited, nor its officers, employees or agents, shall be responsible if the supply of the Services is delayed or prevented by circumstances outside its control. If this happens we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know and we will take steps to minimise the effect of the delay or failure. If there is a risk of substantial delay you may contact us to cancel your account and/or cancel any booked Services and receive a refund for any Services you have paid for but not received.

13 other Limitations to our services

We cannot guarantee the availability of any of our Clinicians at any particular time.  If at all possible, we will arrange a consultation with a Clinician as soon as possible but we cannot guarantee a consultation at a particular time.

You accept that each Clinician, at its sole discretion, creates prescriptions, letters etc. based on their own professional judgement and legal obligations and that the content of such items is individual, based on information you provide us with. You must not tamper with the content of any such items. You acknowledge that there is no guarantee or warranty by Telemedicine Services Limited that such items will contain the content you desire(d), hope(d) for, expect(ed), were informed of, understood or believed they would contain.

Clinicians may provide different clinical opinions on the same condition or set of symptoms. Provided that these opinions are reasonably held, the fact that two clinicians give differing opinions on the same condition should not indicate a defective service.

We do not tolerate abuse or offensive behaviour towards Clinicians.

14 Our use of your personal information

How we use your information

We only use your personal information as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Please read this statement as it includes important information which applies to you.

Any personal information that you give to us will be processed strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (as may be amended or superseded) and all other relevant privacy legislation.

Please visit Privacy Policy.