Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Someone suffering from PTSD often relives the traumatic event through flashbacks, nightmares and may feel isolated. It is also not uncommon to feel irritable and guilty and to find concentrating difficult. With PTSD these symptoms can be severe enough to have a significant impact daily life.
What causes PTSD?
Road accidents
Violent personal assaults
Severe neglect
Witnessing violent deaths
Being held hostage
Terrorist attacks
Prolonged sexual abuse or violence
Natural disasters, such as earthquakes
Diagnosis and treatment of PTSD
Our specialists can assess whether you are suffering from PTSD via structured interviews and psychiatric assessment. You may need medication to relieve the distress and emotional numbness caused by the traumatic memories. If you are recommended talking therapy such as Cognitive behavioural therapy medication may help you to participate in sessions.